1. Juli 2010

PostRockCommunity ONLINE-HINT: TubeRadio!

What is TubeRadio? TubeRadio combines YouTube with LastFM and Spotify-services and makes it available online with an itunes-mask (Screenshot here). YouTube has playlists too but is limited to 200 videos per playlist. TubeRadio has no limitations. Get the lyrics, search similar artists, read the bio of the artists and more. Here is a little explanation-video how it works.

For me (as a fan of itunes, lastfm and youtube) it is one of the most enjoyable stuff that's out there in the world wide web for now. That's why i want to support this programme. I searched some HD-Music-videos and made a playlist to watch 'em on my HD-TV set which is also accessibly in public (Link is listed below). Tune in into my channel, turn on shuffle and fullscreen and enjoy or just make your own list. Have fun with this.

PS.: HD (720p+) MusicVideos are still very rare on youtube. If you know some interesting videos in HD just post it into the comments or contact me on lastfm. Thank you in advance!

My HD-MusicVideo-Playlist
My HD-LiveMusicVideo-Playlist