America Addio ist Cody Kestigian aus Connecticut und er überraschte im Mai 2008 mit seiner Debut-EP „Plat of Zion“, veröffentlicht über das Enemies List-Label, das mit Have a Nice Life’s „Deathconsciousness“ den vielleicht besten Release dieses Jahres verbucht. Einige Monate sind nun seitdem vergangen und noch immer klingen die Songs interessant, anders und wohlig frisch im Vergleich zum heutzutage verzapften Einheitsbrei. Genreeinordnungen reichen von Electronic und Synth Pop, bis hin zu Hyper Intellectual Pop, jedoch erst alle zusammen machen America Addio aus, man nenne diesen Stil, wie man möchte. Unpeinliche catchy Rhythmen, schöne Melodien und Refrains ziehen den Hörer sofort in ihren Bann. Man hört ihm den Spaß an der Sache in jeder Sekunde an. Jeder der fünf Tracks überzeugt für sich auf ganzer Linie und zeigt eindrucksvoll die musikalische Vielfältigkeit, in der er sich bewegt. Momentan befindet sich Cody im Studio um den Nachfolger aufzunehmen, der im Herbst dieses Jahres erscheinen soll. Ich kann es kaum erwarten! Mir bleibt nichts anderes übrig, als jedem eine uneingeschränkte Empfehlung auszusprechen, ein Ohr in dieses Album zu riskieren! „Plat of Zion“ ist definitiv unter meinen Top 10 der Alben des Jahres zu finden!
America Addio is Cody Kestigian from Connecticut and he has surprised in May 2008 with his debut EP "Plat of Zion", published on the Enemies List-label, which also released Have a Nice Life's "Deathconsciousness", perhaps the best album of the year. Some months have passed since then and the songs still sound interesting, different and pleasant fresh in comparison to the mostly uninspired music, which gets released nowadays. Influences ranging from Electronics and Synth Pop, to Hyper-Intellectual Pop, call this musical style as you wish, but only all of them combined is America Addio. Catchy rhythms, beautiful melodies and choruses draw the listener immediately in its spell. You can hear he's having fun in every second. Each one of the five tracks convinces for itself and shows the impressive musical diversity, in which he moves. Cody is currently in the studio recording the follow-up album, which should be released in autumn 2008. I can hardly wait! I have no other choice than to recommend you to listen to this album! "Plat of Zion" is definitely among my top 10 albums of this year!
America Addio is Cody Kestigian from Connecticut and he has surprised in May 2008 with his debut EP "Plat of Zion", published on the Enemies List-label, which also released Have a Nice Life's "Deathconsciousness", perhaps the best album of the year. Some months have passed since then and the songs still sound interesting, different and pleasant fresh in comparison to the mostly uninspired music, which gets released nowadays. Influences ranging from Electronics and Synth Pop, to Hyper-Intellectual Pop, call this musical style as you wish, but only all of them combined is America Addio. Catchy rhythms, beautiful melodies and choruses draw the listener immediately in its spell. You can hear he's having fun in every second. Each one of the five tracks convinces for itself and shows the impressive musical diversity, in which he moves. Cody is currently in the studio recording the follow-up album, which should be released in autumn 2008. I can hardly wait! I have no other choice than to recommend you to listen to this album! "Plat of Zion" is definitely among my top 10 albums of this year!
01. Azoic
02. B'nai Sholom
03. Highland Park
04. Social Gospel
05. Trading Horn
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