"Ashes And Iron" mauern dich langsam in ein Labyrinth aus dicken unüberwindbaren Gitarrenwänden ein. Es gilt Hindernisse zu überwinden. 33 Minuten Zeit um deinem Schicksal zu entkommen. Der Countdown läuft. Verzweiflung kommt auf. Sie lassen sie tief in deinem Knochenmark spüren. Gleichzeitig aber treiben sie dich mit ihrer Dynamik an aus dem Labyrinth zu finden. Die Drums und die Bassline geben dir die Kraft die Hoffnung nicht aufzugeben und dein Ziel nicht aus den Augen zu verlieren. Die Stimme scheint der Wegweiser zu sein. Du musst nur genau hinhören um zu verstehen welche Richtung du einzuschlagen hast. Am Ende erwartet dich nicht nur das Gefühl von Freiheit, sondern viel mehr. Du wirst etwas über dich selbst gelernt haben!
"Ashes And Iron" aus St. Louis bestehen aus Thad Martin (Drums), Dave Lawrence (Bass), Chris Denton (Guitars), David Miller (Guitars), Ian Mahan (Guitars), Kenny Snarzyk (Keyboards/Vocals). Mit dieser Demo schmeißen sie 3 Tracks und 33 Minuten geilsten Sludge raus und zählen meiner Meinung nach jetzt schon zu den ganz Großen in dieser Sparte. Wer kann das nach einer ersten Demo-CD schon von sich behaupten?!
Man kann "Ashes And Iron" durchaus in einem Atemzug mit "Neurosis", "Irreversible", "Isis", "Cult Of Luna", "Callisto", "Humanfly", "Manatees", "Pelican", "Latitudes" oder "Mouth Of The Architect" nennen und das sagt schon jede Menge über das Niveau der 6 Musiker aus. Was ich auch noch sehr geil finde ist, dass sie sogar die Wav-Dateien auf ihrer Homepage zur Verfügung stellen.
HÖCHSTE EMPFEHLUNG und 10/10 Punkten von mir. Besser hätte man eine Demo-CD nicht gestalten können!
Slowly but surely Ashes and Iron brick you into labyrinth of massive, insurmountable guitar walls. There are obstacles to overcome. 33 minutes left to escape your fate, and the countdown is on. Desperation arises - they make you feel it deep inside your bone marrow, but at the same time, the band's dynamic sound goads you on to find your way out of the labyrinth. Drums and bass-lines give you the power to keep on going, not to give in, and never lose sight of your goal while the vocals seem to guide the way. Listen closely, and you will know which path to follow. Not only freedom is awaiting you, there's a lot more to find - you will have learned something about yourself!
"Ashes And Iron" consists of Thad Martin (Drums), Dave Lawrence (Bass), Chris Denton (Guitars), David Miller (Guitars), Ian Mahan (Guitars), Kenny Snarzyk (Keyboards/Vocals). This EP features 3 tracks, 33 minutes of awesome Sludge, and the band, in my opinion, might already count to the magnitudes of this genre. Who is able to claim this for themselves, after the first Demo-EP?!
"Ashes and Iron" are easily named in the same breath as "Neurosis", "Irreversible", "Isis", "Cult Of Luna", "Callisto", "Humanfly", "Manatees", "Pelican", "Latitudes" or "Mouth Of The Architect" and this speaks for the level and competence of the 6 St. Louis musicians. A real cool bonus is, that the band offers their EP as .WAV files on their website.
Absolutely recommended and 10/10 points. There is no better way to create a demo-cd.
Slowly but surely Ashes and Iron brick you into labyrinth of massive, insurmountable guitar walls. There are obstacles to overcome. 33 minutes left to escape your fate, and the countdown is on. Desperation arises - they make you feel it deep inside your bone marrow, but at the same time, the band's dynamic sound goads you on to find your way out of the labyrinth. Drums and bass-lines give you the power to keep on going, not to give in, and never lose sight of your goal while the vocals seem to guide the way. Listen closely, and you will know which path to follow. Not only freedom is awaiting you, there's a lot more to find - you will have learned something about yourself!
"Ashes And Iron" consists of Thad Martin (Drums), Dave Lawrence (Bass), Chris Denton (Guitars), David Miller (Guitars), Ian Mahan (Guitars), Kenny Snarzyk (Keyboards/Vocals). This EP features 3 tracks, 33 minutes of awesome Sludge, and the band, in my opinion, might already count to the magnitudes of this genre. Who is able to claim this for themselves, after the first Demo-EP?!
"Ashes and Iron" are easily named in the same breath as "Neurosis", "Irreversible", "Isis", "Cult Of Luna", "Callisto", "Humanfly", "Manatees", "Pelican", "Latitudes" or "Mouth Of The Architect" and this speaks for the level and competence of the 6 St. Louis musicians. A real cool bonus is, that the band offers their EP as .WAV files on their website.
Absolutely recommended and 10/10 points. There is no better way to create a demo-cd.
01. Black Pavillions
02. Khorkoi
03. Silens
Genre: Sludge, Doom
320 kBit/s
Download in ".WAV" (Direct-Link) (321MB)
PW: postrockcommunity.blogspot.com
2 Kommentare:
it's fucking awesome, thx u guy (:
Geht in Richtung PostMetal alá Pelican aber mehr noch Isis. Recht Doomig, aber fett. Auf alle Fälle geil. thx
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