Wenn's dann richtig kracht, wie etwa im Mittelteil des Tracks Floating Neighbors, und verzerrte Screams über einem Brett von Gitarren-, Bass- und Drumssounds thronen, kann wohl niemand mehr widerstehen, wuchtig im Takt mit zu nicken. Diese Stärke spielt ebenso der Titeltrack des Albums aus, Gespür für tolle Gesangsmelodien in den härteren Teilen des Albums und ruhigere Passagen wechseln gekonnt einander ab, sodass am Ende des Albums nur der eine Wunsch ensteht: Gleich nochmal von vorn!
Hailing from Quebéc, Echoes from Jupiter released the album Europa last year after their 4 track EP Io. Europa's impressive tracklist of 15 songs clocking in at over an hour, consists of shoegazy guitar tracks with a notable post-rock feel, consistently interrupted by more experimental, shorter songs.
When the albums fully blasts however, like in the middle section of the song Floating Neighbors and distorted screams throne above a wall of guitar-, bass- and drumsounds, nobody is able to resist to bang their head to the music. The title track utilizes that said strenght just as well, the band's keen sense of putting great vocal melodies above the louder parts of the album and more quiet sections take turns, so that at the end of the album only one wish is formed: to play it all over again!
Genre: Post-Rock, Instrumental, Ambient, Shoegaze
320 kbit/s (CBR)
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advocacia · 201 weeks ago