Die 2 Jungs aus Ohio schaffen hier ein eigenwilliges, noisiges Post Rock Album, verlieren aber dabei niemals ihr Ziel - die "Hörbarkeit" - aus den Augen, indem sie Noise-Teile melödios wirken lassen, sie mit Samples überhaufen, nur darauf abzielend, mich die nächste halbe Stunde wieder im genialen Booklet blätternd, wie betäubt von der Musik zu verbringen zu lassen.
Callsign 65.41 is one track clocking in at about 25 minutes, but which might count as a whole album. Split into 6 movements, taking influences from Boris, Tony Conrad, Godspeed You! Black Emperor and Sonic Youth, Callsign 65.41 leaves a similar queasy feeling of angst and loneliness in our stomaches like Lift yr. Skinny fists like antennas to heaven had done before.
The two guys from Ohio manage to create a creative, noisy Post-Rock album, but they never lose sight of their goal – audibility. Noise-parts seem melodic and are swamped with samples, only aiming to make me scroll through the wonderful booklet again and spend the next half hour numbed and in some kind of trance.
The two guys from Ohio manage to create a creative, noisy Post-Rock album, but they never lose sight of their goal – audibility. Noise-parts seem melodic and are swamped with samples, only aiming to make me scroll through the wonderful booklet again and spend the next half hour numbed and in some kind of trance.
I. "...forgotten story of common childhood..." [~8:35]
II. Phone Conversation, 08/14/08 [~1:10]
III. 419-567-STOP [~3:30]
IV. Twelve Chimes, Plane Crash [~2:50]
V. "...smothered from the eternal now." [~3:45]
VI. "Innominate as the fall." [~6:00]
Genre: Post Rock / Noise / Experimental
320 kBit/s
PW: postrockcommunity.blogspot.com
7 Kommentare:
BTW, 7 schrobbles, WTF?
7??? richtig getaggt??
jop. Naja, runterladen, rauf mit den Scrobbles!
hehe schon dabei :)
btw das booklet is echt fein. hammersache
Thank you for posting our album on your blog.
wow! ein wahnsinns album!!!
btw Nic, will there be a physical release too? I'd like a copy of it! :)
I am unsure if we will have a physical release, but I will be sure to keep in touch with this blog once it has been decided. We are both broke college students without jobs, so for the time being our releases will be digital.
We are currently recording a second album, so chances are, we will release both together as one album if we do put out a physical release. Stay tuned during the next few weeks, as it will be released the moment it is done!
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