Dieses Album eines einzelnen Finnen, der hinter Trailing Space steckt, war eindeutig ersteres. Die Mischung aus typischem Gitarren-lastigen Post Rock, orchestraler Filmmusik und von Synthesizern getriebenen Arrangements ließ mich daran denken, wie es wohl klingen würde, wenn die Mono& World End's Girlfriend Kollaboration Palmess Prayer / Mass Murder Refrain von Mike Cadoo (Bitcrush) umarrangiert und von Final Light eingespielt worden wäre.
'm after new cds continously, I comb through several netlabel's archives, click myself through myspace friends or lastfm profiles, just to seperate the treasures from the uncountable downloads. Sometimes I am sure that I hit the bull's eye right in the beginning, some releases have to grow on me, in order for me to appreciate them.
This album, a single Finn's work, who is behind Trailing Space, was the former. The blend of typical guitar-based post rock, orchestral filmscores and synth driven arrangements had me think of how it would sound if the Mono & World End's girlfriend collaboration palmess prayer/ mass murder refrain was rearranged by Bitcrush's Mike Cadoo and was recorded by Final light.
This album, a single Finn's work, who is behind Trailing Space, was the former. The blend of typical guitar-based post rock, orchestral filmscores and synth driven arrangements had me think of how it would sound if the Mono & World End's girlfriend collaboration palmess prayer/ mass murder refrain was rearranged by Bitcrush's Mike Cadoo and was recorded by Final light.
Genre: Post Rock
192 kBit/s
Kyoto Republic Label
PW: postrockcommunity.blogspot.com
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