Field Recordings, tolle Gitarrenmelodien und Post Rock typische Trommeln setzten sich zu einem gelungenen Debut zusammen; die Zukunft verspricht Tolles, behält diese Band im Auge.
3 adolescents from Brewster, Massachusetts got together to play post rock music. The result: utterly remarkable, particularly when looked at the guy's age.
Field recordings, wonderful guitar-melodies and typical post rock drumming compose a overall well-written debut record; the future promisesamazing tunes, keep an eye on this band.
To anyone near Brewster: the band is currently looking for a bass player.
Genre: Post Rock
128 kBit/s MPEG 4 Audio File
to buy and support contact the band at myspace
PW: postrockcommunity.blogspot.com
1 Kommentar:
nice blog :)
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