Düster. Improvisiert. Sinne raubend und handgemacht.
Ein Gleichnis der Aporie [Anm. d. Redaktion: Ausweglosigkeit, Ratlosigkeit] der Vergeltung und der undurchdringbaren Schönheit der Traurigkeit - so lautet die Übersetzung des neuesten full-lenght Doppel-Album von A Death Cinematic. Wahrlich ein Koloss von einem Titel, nahezu unverständlich für den Durchschnitts-Englischlernenden, voller Interpretationsmöglichkeiten, voller Fragen und voller Herzblut eines Amerikaners, der es derart geschickt vermeidet, seinen Namen irgendwo anzuführen, dass sich bekennende Anonymoholiker noch eine Scheibe abschneiden könnten.
Ein paar Informationen über den Namenlosen aus nowhere lassen sich dem Internet aber doch entlocken. So führt er zum Audio/Sound/Musik Unterfangen A Death Cinematic das Gestaltungsprojekt simple box construction. Letzteres zeigt sich verantwortlich für CD Covers, T-Shirt- und Buchdruck, sowie für Fotographie und andere außergewöhliche graphische Designs. Das bleibt hier deshalb nicht unerwähnt, weil A Parable... nicht nur syntaktisch ein Koloss ist, sondern vielmehr auch ein mit Liebe zum Detail gestalteter Artwork-Augenschmaus. Edle Kartonagen, geziert mit sagenhafen Fotografien umhüllen eine noch schönere eigentliche CD-Verpackung: Spanholz, mit einem Bild bedruckt, das die Stimmung des Releases bestens widerspiegelt, gestempelte Song-Titel auf wunderschönen handgemachten Hüllen und die beiden Discs, die ihr neues zu Hause vermutlich aber im CD-Wechsler gefunden haben.
Part 1
1. a short story on the theme of a broken dream
2. the grasses will grow tall over our cities
3. the sun glints through the dust risen form their hooves
4. the heart races with black worms and my blood is on fire
5. when I leave I wish to kill the sun
2. the grasses will grow tall over our cities
3. the sun glints through the dust risen form their hooves
4. the heart races with black worms and my blood is on fire
5. when I leave I wish to kill the sun
Wenn sich der Himmel mit dem Einlegen der CD in den Player verdunkelt, die ersten Klänge eines zerbrochenen Traumes erklingen, dann eröffnet sich dem Hörer eine neue Welt. Eine Welt, die trotz all ihrer Schönheit verloren scheint, die mit all ihren markierten Bewohnern in die Apokalypse fallen wird. Part 1 dieser komplett improvisierten Beschwörung des Niedergangs begeistert mit dronigen Passagen, die mit cleanen Gitarren überzogen werden, ähnlich dem Nebel, der sich über die Täler legt, während er den Blick in die Ferne trübt und die lezten noch übrig gebliebenen Sonnenstrahlen aus unserer Umgebung ausgrenzt.
Part 2
1. vengeance runs forth, deep through the veins
2. knives at my brain in the discordance of sleep
3. their blood crawls through frozen fields and dead nights
4. onward (as the vultures take the sky) we slip into the apocalypse
5. ...and all the leaves trembled (with the dawn sirens)
6. brilliance of the first morning snow
Ähnlich dronig und noisig wie es im ersten Teil begonnen hat, geht es auch auf der zweiten Disc weiter. Erneut wird die Schönheit der Traurigkeit Layer für Layer zu einer unbegreiflicher Atmosphäre zusammengelegt, welche die Emotionen zum Vergeltungsschlag ausholen lässt. Die fuzzigen Gitarren des Mittelteils werden bis zur Unkenntlichkeit manipuliert, um bei brilliance of the first morning snow wiederum nahezu abgefunden mit ihrem Schicksal zu klingen. Mit der Gewissheit im Hinterkopf, dass das Ende bevorsteht und einem blutroten X auf dem Rücken, das sie für die Apokalypse markiert.
You have been marked for the apocalypse
Gloomily. Improvised. Robbing your senses and hand-made.
The title of the current double disc full lengh by A Death Cinematic is truely a colossus. Hardly comprehensible for the average english-learning people, full of possiblilities for interpretation, full of questions and full of heart and soul put in by an Amercian, who avoids to mention his name in such a clever way that even avowed anonymoholics might take a leave out of his book.
Yet, some information about the nameless from nowhere can be wormed out of the internet. Accordingly, besides his audio/sound/music entity A Death Cinematic he runs the design-project simple box construction. The latter is accountable for CD covers, T-shirt- and book-printings, as well as photography and other extraordinary graphic designs. This is mentioned because A Parable... not only represants a colossus syntactically but constitutes an artwork-feast for the eye designed with a great love for detail as well. Noble cartons, adorned with marvellous photographies envelope the even more beautiful actual cd-packaging: A picture perfectly reflecting the atmosphere of the release printed on chipboard, stamped songtitles on wonderful hand-made gatefold sleeves and the two discs which, presumably, might have found their new home in the CD-player.
The title of the current double disc full lengh by A Death Cinematic is truely a colossus. Hardly comprehensible for the average english-learning people, full of possiblilities for interpretation, full of questions and full of heart and soul put in by an Amercian, who avoids to mention his name in such a clever way that even avowed anonymoholics might take a leave out of his book.
Yet, some information about the nameless from nowhere can be wormed out of the internet. Accordingly, besides his audio/sound/music entity A Death Cinematic he runs the design-project simple box construction. The latter is accountable for CD covers, T-shirt- and book-printings, as well as photography and other extraordinary graphic designs. This is mentioned because A Parable... not only represants a colossus syntactically but constitutes an artwork-feast for the eye designed with a great love for detail as well. Noble cartons, adorned with marvellous photographies envelope the even more beautiful actual cd-packaging: A picture perfectly reflecting the atmosphere of the release printed on chipboard, stamped songtitles on wonderful hand-made gatefold sleeves and the two discs which, presumably, might have found their new home in the CD-player.
Part 1
1. a short story on the theme of a broken dream
2. the grasses will grow tall over our cities
3. the sun glints through the dust risen form their hooves
4. the heart races with black worms and my blood is on fire
5. when I leave I wish to kill the sun
When the sky darkens as the cd is put into the player and the first sounds of a broken dream reach the ears, a new world will be opened up to the listener. A new world, which seems lost despite all of it's beauty, which will fall into the apocalypse with all of their marked inhabitants. Part 1 of the completely improvised evocation of the end of the world strikes with drony parts, covered with clean guitars, similar to the fog which lays itself upon the valleys, while the view in the distance is blurred and even the last remaining sunbeams are segregated from our surroundings.
Part 2
1. vengeance runs forth, deep through the veins
2. knives at my brain in the discordance of sleep
3. their blood crawls through frozen fields and dead nights
4. onward (as the vultures take the sky) we slip into the apocalypse
5. ...and all the leaves trembled (with the dawn sirens)
6. brilliance of the first morning snow
As drony and noisy as it began in the first part, the second disc continues. Layer by Layer the beauty of sadness is again assembled to an unfathomable atmosphere, which lets the emotions strike out for vengeance. The middle section's fuzzy guitars are manipulated beyond recognition, just to sound as if they're accepting their fate in brilliance of the first morning snow. With the certainty in the back of the head, that the end is near and marked for the apocalypse with an blood-red X on their backs.
Available now through Myspace. Make sure to get your hands on a copy, there are only 250 them.
The whole album can be previewed at lastfm.
Genre: Experimental / Ambient
Part 1 (46:04)
Part 2 (48:51)
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2 Kommentare:
what about the download link?
this release is not available for free download. However, it can be previewed at lastfm.
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