Jeder Einzelne muss an dieser gemeinsamen Anstrengung teilnehmen ; und um so viele Leute wie möglich darauf aufmerksam zu machen, habe ich den Film HOME gedreht.
Damit der Film die größt-mögliche Verbreitung erhält, muss er um sonst sein ; unser Sponsor, die PPR Gruppe hat dies ermöglicht. EuropaCorp, der den Vertrieb sicherstellt, hat sich bereiterklärt, keinen Gewinn aus HOME erwirtschaften zu wollen, weil der Film nicht auf wirtschaftlichen Erfolg angelegt ist.
Ich hätte gerne, dass HOME auch Ihr Film wird. Verteilen Sie ihn weiter. Und handeln Sie.
Yann Arthus-Bertrand.
Die 90-minütige Version gibts in High-Quality auf YouTube. Die 120 minütige Version erscheint im Kino. Atemberaubend!
We are living in exceptional times. Scientists tell us that we have 10 years to change the way we live, avert the depletion of natural resources and the catastrophic evolution of the Earth's climate. The stakes are high for us and our children.
Everyone should take part in the effort, and HOME has been conceived to take a message of mobilization out to every human being. For this purpose, HOME needs to be free. A patron, the PPR Group, made this possible. EuropaCorp, the distributor, also pledged not to make any profit because Home is a non-profit film.
HOME has been made for you : share it! And act for the planet.
Yann Arthus-Bertrand, GoodPlanet Fundation President
The 90' Version in High-Quality is free at YouTube. The 120' Version soon in your cinema. Watch it! It's breathtaking!
Everyone should take part in the effort, and HOME has been conceived to take a message of mobilization out to every human being. For this purpose, HOME needs to be free. A patron, the PPR Group, made this possible. EuropaCorp, the distributor, also pledged not to make any profit because Home is a non-profit film.
HOME has been made for you : share it! And act for the planet.
Yann Arthus-Bertrand, GoodPlanet Fundation President
The 90' Version in High-Quality is free at YouTube. The 120' Version soon in your cinema. Watch it! It's breathtaking!
Free Stream of the Movie (High Quality)
2 Kommentare:
This is...amazing...
this is... extreme lolfag
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