Kaum ist man auf der richtigen Frequenz gelandet, hat die passende Lautstärke eingestellt und sobald dann das „on air Lämpchen“ rot aufleuchtet gibt es auch schon kein Zurück mehr. Die Gitarrenfeedbacks schreien geradezu um Hilfe während die verfremdeten Samples mir ein Gefühl von Hoffnungslosigkeit vermitteln und das Drumming mit jedem Schlag auf die Tom intensiver und bedrohlicher zu werden scheint. „You are listenig to 104.6 WTEL, Ohio.“
Die beiden Tracks sind, wie bereits beim Vorgängeralbum, eingeteilt in verschiedene Movements, die Wechsel scheinen jedoch noch eine Spur gekonnter von statten zu gehen. Immer wieder wird man sich klar, dass man sich bereits in einem neuen Movement befinden muss, ist sich aber nie ganz sicher, wie das gerade geschehen konnte. Man fühlt sich gefesselt von der Musik, kann kaum glauben, wie schnell die Faszination eine halbe Stunde vergehen lassen kann - In Sachen Kreativität ist dieses Album wohl kaum zu toppen.
Kevin McCraney and Nic Ross didn’t really give me the time to digest their latest release, Callsign 65.41 and yet they already throw the next album into the center of my thinking.
104.6 WTEL is a fictional radio broadcast, based in the hometown of the two Ohio musicians. The station’s music is hardly describable; some might define the programme as Post Rock, while others would relate it to Noise or Experimental. One point, however, will be agreed on by every listener: 104.6 WTEL spreads pure desperation via its radio waves.
Once you landed on the right frequency, adjusted the right volume and the “on air lamp” flashes with red light, there is no turning back. The guitar feedbacks virtually scream for help while the manipulated samples give me the feeling of hopelessness and the drumming seems to become more intense and threatening with every hit on the tom. “You are listening to 104.6 WTEL, Ohio.”
Both tracks are, like on the last album, split into different movements, the changes seem to be accomplished even more skillfully though. Every now and then you are awakened to the fact that you are already in a new movement but you are never really sure, how this has just happened. You feel captivated by the music, hardly believing how fast fascination lets half an hour pass by – In terms of creativity this album is hardly to be beaten.
1. The Descent; A Hero, in Some Revolution
I. Poster Child of Avolition
II. Flat Affect, Replica Works
III. Ernest Waves of Neologisms
IV. September 21
2. The Nightingale and the Lark
I. Sweet is the Night, but Bitter are Our Crimes
II. ...so Ignorant to the Wisdom of the Gods
III. The Ballad of Star-Crossed Lovers
IV. Epitaph
Genre: Post Rock / Experimental
320 kBit/s
Previous Album
PW: postrockcommunity.blogspot.com
2 Kommentare:
@Nic and Kevin: I didn't really want to include this in the review but please: set up a paypal account, accept donations and invest in some serious recording equipment.
That's the only thing that bothers me on this album - the LOFI impression.
Thanks again for sharing your work, it's really impressing.
Thanks again Sebastian for including us on your blog. We both really appreciate the support. Although we do admit that we don't have the proper recording equipment, the lo-fi production and sound were very much intended for this release. ;)
I'll definitely get back to you about the paypal account as soon as possible. Kevin and I will be discussing that later tonight.
Thanks bunches,
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