La Biblioteca Deserta are a post rock band from Italy. 5 young men - all a bit over 20 years of age - do nothing wrong on their second, selftitled demo. The soundquality, the arrangement, the passion put into the music. But all in all it seems you might have heard La Biblioteca Deserta in one or the other way before: the drums don't depart far from the standard-post rock-style, clean guitars, with loads of reverb leak out of the amplifiers, while the bass - hammering the root notes - pays attention to the fundament of the mostly over 10 minutes long songs. Despite it all, the parts when the italians pump up the volume sound fresh and inspired. Guitar-phasers are centered, the bands seems down-to-earth and does not fail to give the album a little personal touch.
Genre: Post Rock
320 kBit/s
PW: postrockcommunity.blogspot.com
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